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  4. Carbon compensation
  5. Why do you automatically provide carbon offsetting?

Why do you automatically provide carbon offsetting?

As an environmentally conscious company and also as individuals, we think about the impact our activities have on nature in many areas of our lives. In some areas it is obvious to most people: flying, driving, producing animal products, making concrete, the list is long. But what is rarely listed is our beloved Internet.

Very few people know that the Internet has recently been causing even more CO2 emissions than the entire global air traffic. The data centers, end devices, and the energy needed to transmit data all contribute to the emissions.

So if a useful statistics tool like PRYVY allows us to measure the emissions generated by participating websites, we should do it! Only those who have a value in mind can make a difference.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to reduce emissions completely to zero, although fortunately the trend is for data centers to cover their energy requirements more and more with green electricity.

For the data transmission between end devices and data centers that is still necessary, however, we now have a measured value that can be offset. And that’s what we do – quite automatically, for all our customers.

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